
When it comes to Hue, besides many beaty spot and hospitable people, we have to talk to rich and superb cuisine. One of things makes fame of Hue is Banh Beo with the distinct Hue’s flavor .

No one knows when banh beo Hue appears as well as the popularity of banh beo Hue that you can see it anywhere from normal family meal to parties… The appearance of banh beo Hue is so familiar that everyone considers banh beo Hue is one indispensable part of Hue’s cuisine culture. Hue people do not make banh beo hue to eat to satisfaction, they want to enjoy the flavor of the finest sticky rice. The dish’s name is believed to derive from the fact that it is shaped like a duckweed.

Eating banh beo in correct way is eating with banh beo is still exist in the mould. Hue people often enjoy banh beo with minced shrimp or fried pork skin. Banh beo is usually eaten with fish sauce made from fermented fish that enhance the taste of the dish.

In order to enjoy the flavor of banh beo, you should eat them gradually. The taste of minced shrimp, pungent fish sauce mixed fragrant banh beo make you can not forget if you have a chance to enjoy. Serving banh beo instantly it is steamed to keep the flavor. Banh beo can be eaten with a spoon and paird with aromatic herbs.

Being a celebrated dish of Hue cuisine culture, banh beo became such a interesting culture of Hue people. Banh beo is one of dishes you must try if having a chance to arrive Hue.

Making banh beo is not too complicated with simple ingredients, you can make it by yourself at home with banh beo recipe below:

Ingredient for banh beo recipe:

  • 150gr rice flour, 30gr tapioca flour
  • 300gr shrimp
  • 300gr pork fat
  • 300ml cool water, 400ml boiled water
  • Minced garlic, minced chili
  • Salt, sugar…

Process of making banh beo recipe:

Step 1: Making pork rinds

Clean the piece of pork fat then scald with boiled water to reduce strong smell and make pork fat cleaner.

Slice piece of pork fat into small squared pieces with 0.5 cm thick, dimension 2cm x 3cm.

Prepare a large pan. Heat the pan then low down the heat to add the sliced pork fat into. In the process of frying, stir the pork fat evenly to ensure not to be charred and keep crispy pork rinds.

When pork rinds begin turning golden, turn off the heat to let pork rinds cool and keep them in the pan.

Step 2: Making batter

Mixing flour:

Add tapioca flour, rice flour into a big bowl. Add ¼ tsp of salt then mix with tapioca flour and rice flour to incorporate.

Kneading and brewing flour:

After kneading the mixture flour well, add more 200ml cool water and stir well to avoid to be curdled.

Add more 300ml of boiled water and stir well again then take it rest for 4-6 hours.

Step 3: Making filling

Wash the shrimp then remove the head and pull out the black digestive tract. Wash the shrimp again then add into a pot and boil them. When the shrimp done, remove the shield.

Pestle or grind to make shrimp mushy.

Add 1tsp of minced garlic into a pan and fry till being fragrant. Add grinded shrimp into the pan and stir well till shrimp dried. Take out the shrimp into a plate and let it really cool.

Step 4: Steaming the batter

After 4-6 hours of taking rest of the flour, take out the water in the bowl. Then add the water with the same volume of water taken out. Using chopstick to stir well mixture of flour and water.

Scoop mixture of flour in to ½ small bowl. Then steam this bowl about 10-12 minutes. To check whether the flour done, you can use a toothpick to enter the batter if it no longer sticky, it done.

Step 5: Finishing

Making dipping sauce:

Infuse 1 small bowl of fish sauce and 1 and a half of water. Heat the infused fish sauce then add 5tsp of sugar and continue heating till dissolve sugar.

Add more minced garlic, chili to fit your taste.


Assemble 3-4 pieces of pork rinds on the top of banh beo. Scoop 1 spoon of minced shrimp into the bowl of banh beo then ladle the dipping sauce over.

Depend on your tast you can add more scallion oil or fried shallot oil.

Mix well banh beo and enoy it!!

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